Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Content Marketing - More Than a Fad?

Today's word of the day seems to be content marketing.  Recently a big name marketer released a training course exposing content marketing as being the biggest, baddest, and newest marketing technique.  But is it?

Biggest and baddest, that's a good point.  Newest on the other hand seems like a long stretch, isn't it?

You don't hear content is king shouted from the mountain tops like you do, build a list.  But I've still heard it mentioned time and again since I got started in 2007.  It's hard to have a serious discussion about marketing online and not talk about content creation.

So Why Is It So Hot Right Now?

Quite frankly, the dust is starting to settle.  The penguin and panda updates are moving over and the new marketing techniques of 2013 are coming to the surface, slowly as marketers look back and analyze what's been working.

Content marketing has always been the key to success online.  It just that in today's environment it's more important than every to have a steady stream of content for subs and followers to consume.

Get lost in today's stream of information overload and you can easily get left behind. 

To stay afloat in 2014 you'll need to keep a steady flow of content, continuously feeding your reader desire to have fresh new content.  The more you can be there in front of your potential clients, the more sales you'll get.  So naturally, the more content you share, the more successful you'll be.

Miss this step and you're likely to be the guy from last year no one remembers.

The push towards quality content is bigger and harder than ever before.  Products like Richard Lewis' Psycho Profits push quality content to the extreme, exposing what makes people tick, click and come back every time.

What do you think, is content marketing here for the long haul or do you see a new method rising to the top?

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