There's a big difference between being a business owner and being a great entrepreneur.
What's a big picture of a yacht have to do with that? Not much, I just love boats.
Here's 5 things you'll never see a great entrepreneur do.
You should think about how you can apply these principles to your business, and how if you did it could make you a better business person.
5. Try To Be What They're Not
Everyone gets started somewhere, we all know that. The old sales saying is 'Fake it Til You Make It', we all know that too, right? But take a look at great entrepreneurs and you'll notice they don't get started by pretending to be some big mogul. They almost always get started at a young age with a simple plan to mow lawns, sell fruit or some non-glamorous way of earning money.
Great entrepreneurs don't fool people into thinking they're something they're not. They just are who they are, because it's what they know.
4. Focus On Making More Money From Each Sale
I see a lot of new people get hung up here, because they're trying to make the most amount of money they can from every single person they see... that's a backwards way of thinking.
Great entrepreneurs don't focus on sucking the cash from every new buyer. Instead, they focus on creating happy, loyal customers who will continue to buy from their brands. They understand the concept that happy, repeat customers are what build a brand.
3. Complain About The Cost of Doing Business
Do you think you'd hear Richard Branson, Lawrence Ellison or Bill Gates complaining about the cost of advertising? Absolutely not. They understand that to make money you almost always have to spend money to make it happen.
2. Do Everything On Their Own
No way in the world could a great entrepreneur run his or her entire operation on their own. And they know that. To build a big business or brand, you need to find the right people to make it happen. Smart entrepreneurs understand this more than average business people and to me it's one of the biggest differences I see.
1. Fail
Not in the sense they don't trip on the floor when no one's around, we know it happens to everyone from time to time. Carpet monsters we call em at my house. But you won't see a great entrepreneur start a project and give up because it wasn't working out. Almost always you'll see them persevere and continue trying different things to make it work. Why? Because they can.
I recently read a great line out on the interwebs that goes like this: You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.
I couldn't agree more.
If you need help getting started being one of the next great entrepreneurs, take a look at my next article: How to Make Money Online with No Money.
Thanks for reading, if you know anyone who'd enjoy this article, feel free to share it.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
How to Make Money Online with No Money
Are you looking for an ethical, easy way to make money online with no money upfront?
I'll show you a really simple method that anyone can do and quickly earning a profit and start seeing how anyone can make money online with no money needed.
Yes, you read that right.
I'll show you how to turn $0 into an extremely profitable online income, right now.
I personally know several different people, from very different walks of life, that used this method and earn thousands of dollars each month from it. I'll show how you can realistically make money with this method within just a few short days too.
What I'm about to show you is a very honest way to earn a living. So let's get started.
Here's the secret; you become a middleman. You've surely heard of it before? Our country and economy is based off middlemen who bring buyers and providers together for a profit. And it's the easiest way to get started online for free and help people at the same time.
With this method, you get to help two people at the same time.
Have you heard about sites like fivver yet? I'm sure you have, if not it's a site where you can buy marketing services for just $5. (Good deal, huh?) It has everything from SEO, Video Creation, Logo Design and just about every marketing service available.
Here's another secret: Not everyone knows about fiverr! The large majority of business owners have no idea they could get what they need for $5. And many of those who do know about fiverr, choose not to use it.
So why do business owners who know about sites like fiverr choose to pay higher prices instead? In two words: Perceived Value. Business owners want to feel like they're paying a good price for a high quality service. They don't always buy the most expensive because of budget, but they don't want the cheapest either, a pure gold mine for you.
Let's assume you paid $3,000 for a website and $40 for another website. Which site do you think would be a better site?
Most people would say the $3,000 website, wouldn't they?
Our brains are built to perceive more expensive items as higher quality, even though our sensible brains know better. Most business owners and marketers prefer to work with a middleman at a higher perceived value.
Again, a it's pure goldmine for you!
Plus it's even easier than it sounds.
Here's A Simple 5 Step Method to Make It Your Reality.
Step 1
Find a fiverr gig that you know you can resell for a profit. If you need help deciding, here's a list of 5 Super Hot Services You can Sell Today that I created, to help you out. It has five of the best selling services that business owners are buying right now. You can easily step in and sell any of those services for nice profits.
Step 2
Find a place to offer the service you found. It could be Forums, Message Boards, Blog Commenting, Free Classified sites like Craiglist, Backpage or Social Media sites like LinkedIn, Google +, Facebook, Twitter or anywhere marketers are. Go and list your service and ask a reasonable price, $12-$39 is acceptable, depending on your service. Do a little research and see what others are selling these same services for first if you're not sure what to charge.
Step 3
If you list your offer in the right places you get people emailing you asking for more info or wanting to know where they can buy your services. Not everyone will buy, but you should be able to close 2-3 out of every 10 contacts. Always collect the money upfront and then follow step 4.
Step 4
Take the money you received from the buyer and go to fiverr. Hire the service provider you found earlier and let them complete the work. For the best results, only use providers with a track record of delivery quality products on time.
Step 5
Now deliver the finished product. You just made money online with no money. And the best part is that anyone can do this. It's quick, it's super easy, and you can build it into a very large, very profitable business or just use it for short term cash.
Do you need help choosing a service that's in demand? Read this article: Easy Middleman Profits: 5 Super Hot Services You Can Sell Today. In it, I reveal the 5 most in demand services you can use with this simple, free money method.
Do you know someone who's trying to learn how to make money online with no money? Use the Easy Share Buttons below, and share this article.
I'll show you a really simple method that anyone can do and quickly earning a profit and start seeing how anyone can make money online with no money needed.
Yes, you read that right.
I'll show you how to turn $0 into an extremely profitable online income, right now.
I personally know several different people, from very different walks of life, that used this method and earn thousands of dollars each month from it. I'll show how you can realistically make money with this method within just a few short days too.
What I'm about to show you is a very honest way to earn a living. So let's get started.
Here's the secret; you become a middleman. You've surely heard of it before? Our country and economy is based off middlemen who bring buyers and providers together for a profit. And it's the easiest way to get started online for free and help people at the same time.
With this method, you get to help two people at the same time.
Have you heard about sites like fivver yet? I'm sure you have, if not it's a site where you can buy marketing services for just $5. (Good deal, huh?) It has everything from SEO, Video Creation, Logo Design and just about every marketing service available.
Here's another secret: Not everyone knows about fiverr! The large majority of business owners have no idea they could get what they need for $5. And many of those who do know about fiverr, choose not to use it.
So why do business owners who know about sites like fiverr choose to pay higher prices instead? In two words: Perceived Value. Business owners want to feel like they're paying a good price for a high quality service. They don't always buy the most expensive because of budget, but they don't want the cheapest either, a pure gold mine for you.

Most people would say the $3,000 website, wouldn't they?
Our brains are built to perceive more expensive items as higher quality, even though our sensible brains know better. Most business owners and marketers prefer to work with a middleman at a higher perceived value.
Again, a it's pure goldmine for you!
Plus it's even easier than it sounds.
Here's A Simple 5 Step Method to Make It Your Reality.
Step 1
Find a fiverr gig that you know you can resell for a profit. If you need help deciding, here's a list of 5 Super Hot Services You can Sell Today that I created, to help you out. It has five of the best selling services that business owners are buying right now. You can easily step in and sell any of those services for nice profits.
Step 2
Find a place to offer the service you found. It could be Forums, Message Boards, Blog Commenting, Free Classified sites like Craiglist, Backpage or Social Media sites like LinkedIn, Google +, Facebook, Twitter or anywhere marketers are. Go and list your service and ask a reasonable price, $12-$39 is acceptable, depending on your service. Do a little research and see what others are selling these same services for first if you're not sure what to charge.
Step 3
If you list your offer in the right places you get people emailing you asking for more info or wanting to know where they can buy your services. Not everyone will buy, but you should be able to close 2-3 out of every 10 contacts. Always collect the money upfront and then follow step 4.
Step 4
Take the money you received from the buyer and go to fiverr. Hire the service provider you found earlier and let them complete the work. For the best results, only use providers with a track record of delivery quality products on time.
Step 5
Now deliver the finished product. You just made money online with no money. And the best part is that anyone can do this. It's quick, it's super easy, and you can build it into a very large, very profitable business or just use it for short term cash.
Do you need help choosing a service that's in demand? Read this article: Easy Middleman Profits: 5 Super Hot Services You Can Sell Today. In it, I reveal the 5 most in demand services you can use with this simple, free money method.
Do you know someone who's trying to learn how to make money online with no money? Use the Easy Share Buttons below, and share this article.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Easy Middleman Profits: 5 Super Hot Services You Can Sell TODAY!
I'll assume you've heard of arbitrage?
If not, it's simple. You find a buyer who needs a product or service, and agree to complete the work. After you find the buyer, you pay someone else a lower amount to complete the work. You keep the profit you didn't spend for managing the deal.
It's an extremely effective, very scalable and surprisingly fun way to earn money online.
Add to that, it's easy enough even a complete newbie can pull it off. If you've ever thought about being a middleman online, here's 5 of the hottest services you can sell today for a quick middleman profit. After you read the list, take a look at my list of my favorite resources below.
5. Articles, Ebooks & Press Releases Who loves to write? Writers do. Who hates to write? Everyone else! There's a huge demand for article writing and content creation services for local businesses owners, online marketers, seo companies and many, many more. Once you find someone who needs content, you can get an article written for dirt cheap on iwriter. Make a few edits, or hire an editor from a site like freelancer or odesk for a set price per article, and you've got a decent little money maker you can scale to a full six figure hands off business.
4. Copy No, not copy & paste. I mean well written, persuasive copy for sales letters, videos, and anywhere a marketer needs a conversion to happen. Whether it's text for a squeeze page or a full blown sales letter, there's a lot of marketers looking for services with quality copywriters who get results for a decent price. Do you know one? You can find a load of copywriters on the Warrior for Hire section of the warriorforum. You can get some good prices, just make sure you use someone who's been around a while and doesn't have any negative reviews.
3. Mobile Websites Want your foot in the door of a local business? A large majority of local businesses still don't have mobile ready websites. It doesn't sound too impressive, until you take a few minutes to research the staggering amount of searches done via mobile phones and how mobile search has and continues to grow. You can sell mobile design for anywhere from $600-$1,000 on LinkedIn or talking to local businesses in your area. I like the warrior forum for outsourcing these. You can get some really high quality work done for $100 or less. That's... $500-$900 in profit per deal. With numbers like that, you might want to hire a sales team.
2. SEO I've personally made a lot of money offering SEO services. But have you personally ever tried ranking a site on your own? It's one of the worst experiences in life! It's boring, time consuming and really a big pain in the neck. After releasing countless SEO reports and running my own SEO service for years, here's a key to SEO you won't find anywhere else; outsource it! Seriously, it's horrible. Thankfully being a middleman, all you have to do is find someone else to do the work for a lower cost & keep a little of the profits off the top. I wouldn't recommend doing the SEO work by yourself. You can find quality providers on sites like fiverr, just do a little research and learn about SEO first so you know what works and what doesn't. That knowledge is why customers will keep coming back every month.
1. Whiteboard Sales Videos These things are white hot! The sheer entertainment value of whiteboard videos makes their conversion rates soar through the roof. Better optins, more sales... it's easy to see why so many people are looking for a quality whiteboard video and how you can easily swoop in and pick up a few profits for bringing together buyers who need a high quality product and the best whiteboard animators you know. Be careful. You can find cheap ($5) videos on sites like fiverr, but they aren't the high quality you really need. You need custom, high converting, highly engaging. The Warrior for Hire section is what I'd recommend here too. I've seen people selling these videos everywhere from $5 to $5,000 per minute, but the going price is generally in the hundreds per minute for a high quality video.
How about you, what would you add to the list? Have you had success in any of these niches?
Let us know in the comments below.
Resources: (low cost content writers) (just $5 for almost anything!) (popular marketing forum, lots of services for trade in the Warrior for Hire section) (Sell or buy seo/writing services here) (search craigslist for people who post ads all across the us)
If not, it's simple. You find a buyer who needs a product or service, and agree to complete the work. After you find the buyer, you pay someone else a lower amount to complete the work. You keep the profit you didn't spend for managing the deal.
It's an extremely effective, very scalable and surprisingly fun way to earn money online.
Add to that, it's easy enough even a complete newbie can pull it off. If you've ever thought about being a middleman online, here's 5 of the hottest services you can sell today for a quick middleman profit. After you read the list, take a look at my list of my favorite resources below.
5. Articles, Ebooks & Press Releases Who loves to write? Writers do. Who hates to write? Everyone else! There's a huge demand for article writing and content creation services for local businesses owners, online marketers, seo companies and many, many more. Once you find someone who needs content, you can get an article written for dirt cheap on iwriter. Make a few edits, or hire an editor from a site like freelancer or odesk for a set price per article, and you've got a decent little money maker you can scale to a full six figure hands off business.
4. Copy No, not copy & paste. I mean well written, persuasive copy for sales letters, videos, and anywhere a marketer needs a conversion to happen. Whether it's text for a squeeze page or a full blown sales letter, there's a lot of marketers looking for services with quality copywriters who get results for a decent price. Do you know one? You can find a load of copywriters on the Warrior for Hire section of the warriorforum. You can get some good prices, just make sure you use someone who's been around a while and doesn't have any negative reviews.
3. Mobile Websites Want your foot in the door of a local business? A large majority of local businesses still don't have mobile ready websites. It doesn't sound too impressive, until you take a few minutes to research the staggering amount of searches done via mobile phones and how mobile search has and continues to grow. You can sell mobile design for anywhere from $600-$1,000 on LinkedIn or talking to local businesses in your area. I like the warrior forum for outsourcing these. You can get some really high quality work done for $100 or less. That's... $500-$900 in profit per deal. With numbers like that, you might want to hire a sales team.
2. SEO I've personally made a lot of money offering SEO services. But have you personally ever tried ranking a site on your own? It's one of the worst experiences in life! It's boring, time consuming and really a big pain in the neck. After releasing countless SEO reports and running my own SEO service for years, here's a key to SEO you won't find anywhere else; outsource it! Seriously, it's horrible. Thankfully being a middleman, all you have to do is find someone else to do the work for a lower cost & keep a little of the profits off the top. I wouldn't recommend doing the SEO work by yourself. You can find quality providers on sites like fiverr, just do a little research and learn about SEO first so you know what works and what doesn't. That knowledge is why customers will keep coming back every month.
1. Whiteboard Sales Videos These things are white hot! The sheer entertainment value of whiteboard videos makes their conversion rates soar through the roof. Better optins, more sales... it's easy to see why so many people are looking for a quality whiteboard video and how you can easily swoop in and pick up a few profits for bringing together buyers who need a high quality product and the best whiteboard animators you know. Be careful. You can find cheap ($5) videos on sites like fiverr, but they aren't the high quality you really need. You need custom, high converting, highly engaging. The Warrior for Hire section is what I'd recommend here too. I've seen people selling these videos everywhere from $5 to $5,000 per minute, but the going price is generally in the hundreds per minute for a high quality video.
How about you, what would you add to the list? Have you had success in any of these niches?
Let us know in the comments below.
Resources: (low cost content writers) (just $5 for almost anything!) (popular marketing forum, lots of services for trade in the Warrior for Hire section) (Sell or buy seo/writing services here) (search craigslist for people who post ads all across the us)
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